Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Whoops. Update Time.

Okay.  I started off poorly with a blog.  Let's try again.  Focus.

8 months later, I am writing my second post.  What can happen in 8 months...?  Let's see.  I am currently 40 weeks pregnant.  Waiting for another little girl to arrive into our arms at any moment.  Harper Belle is anxiously awaiting "her baby sister's birthday" and honestly has no idea what is in store for life to come.  I don't think I know what is to come... I am anticipating lots of laughs and smiles, but am also no fool to the melt downs to come.  From me.  From HB.  From baby girl.  And I can only assume my husband will have one or two to his name as well.

This pregnancy was completely different than HB's.  I felt sick in the beginning,  my body was more sore throughout, and I am way more anxious at the end.  Maybe this is why women have the "two and through" motto after baby #2...?  This pregnancy comes with many prayers being answered, however.  As it took 24 months to conceive baby girl 2,  I can only sit here feeling blessed and grateful that after a summer of fertility testing, everything came back normal and I got pregnant naturally.  I guess taking my doctor's advice to relax, drink wine, and eat a cheeseburger was key. I suppose there really is a greater plan for you even if you don't quite understand it at the time.  Maybe is has to do with the fact that I probably couldn't have handled two under two?!  Not that my 3 year old is going to make this transition any easier...

Which brings me to my Threenager....
My daughter is a mess.  She is 3 going on 13.  She literally turned 3 and seriously the sass went on mega mode.  How do people stay serious when their kid belts out "Let it Go" from Frozen in the loudest octave possible in their underwear while pulling the cat's tail and chugging back "fruit water" from a mason jar?

Hot. Mess.
My heart hurts I love her so much and I can only imagine what kind of big sister she will be.  A good one. Yes.  An instigator. Yes. A lover. Yes. A giant pain in the ass. Yes.
The two sisters will be quite the duo.  I can already see the pile of Disney princess costumes laying on the floor with makeup everywhere and two little ladies dancing and screaming.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

Hopefully the next post will bring an introduction to our new little girl and won't be 8 months later...
I. Will. Blog.
It can only get easier, right?!