Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Shout Out To My Fellow Mommas Out There...

A sweet friend asked me tonight if having two kids seemed easier yet?  
The simple, honest answer. 
Does it help tremendously that the new one isn't colicky and screaming constantly? 
That she can laugh and giggle now? 
That the sister bond I see between the two of them is amazing? 
But, easier...

It's funny how you think you are totally mastering the whole parent thing.  I'm talking you are on such a high because your house is clean. Praise Jesus. Both kids are well groomed, fed, dressed in the nice clothes.  Like the Gap crap.  Or maybe even high rolling in the J.Crew Crewcuts stuff.  Their hair is done.  Like actually brushed, maybe braided, possibly in a bow.  You are feeling like you are finally getting the hang of this thing.  So perhaps you venture out to Target.  (got to start small, folks)  You are in the store.  One kid walking nicely next to you, the other in the cart seat.  Enjoying your Starbucks. (fountain coke for me, please) Before you know it, the one walking drops the damn icee.  All. Over. The. Floor.  You remain calm.  Wipe it up.  You got this.  But then, the one in the cart seat spits up everywhere.  What the hell?  She never spits up.  OK.  You got it under control.  A cute scarf picks you right back up.  I need that. You grab some shit from the home goods section. You obviously needed a new throw blanket. Perhaps some new dish towels and that Halloween ghost you have to hang on your front porch.  

Then you hit the toy aisle.  Never fails.  Here goes the one holding your hand:

This is cute.  I want this. Santa can get this.  Oh, Penelope would like this.  Mom, can you fit in this dress?  A new Elsa doll. Wow, I don't play with this toy or even watch this show, but I really think we should get it and I am never leaving this toy aisle ever even if you threaten me and start counting down, what does that even do mom, haha, joke is on you. (or so it seems she says.)

Ah ha! But as quick as the joke was on you and you are panicking the fellow moms in the aisle are going to judge you and shun you to bad mom hell and that little butthead thinks she has the upper hand, she looks at you kind of funny.  You know that look.  The kid has to poop.  And you know as much as you love Target, the bathrooms there are gross.  So now you are trucking it through the store with your kid that has to poop and your baby in the seat cart, now in your hands, now pulling out your hair and scratching at your face and screaming to be funny.  How the hell are you going to hold one in your arms and wipe the other's ass in the dirty bathroom...? Confidence way out the window at this point.  

You figure it out, you escape, you are exhausted.  You buy whatever the hell is in your cart.  You drive home realizing this is how Target gets all your money on a weekly basis.  (Take note, fellas.)  
You walk through your home doors.  
Just as easily you walked out those same doors confident, perhaps a little cocky, feeling like a bad ass mom; you come back through them feeling like you need a margarita, a nap, and a nanny. 

No. It hasn't gotten any easier with two.  I am guessing it never will.  But the stories that I get from the two of them may be worth every second. Maybe. (a very loose maybe) 
For every confident day, there are like 19 days following where I am brought right back down to reality.  I like to remind myself that I am trying my best.  And that is all those little suckers need. For me to try my best. To love them. To let them run a muck around the house and be kids.   

For all my new mommas out there...You are doing awesome.  You are great, you are loving, you are fabulous.  Those babies love you more than you will ever know.  And most importantly, you are not alone. You are not the only one who dreams about bubble baths and wine glasses and catching up on DVR and having couch dates again. You will feel like yourself again soon. Maybe a little bit crazier then before babies, but yourself.  Know it doesn't get easier, but the love sure does grow each and every day.

Word to my sistas': Represent. See you at Target with those screaming babies. No judgement coming from this hot mess of a mom with two chaotic kids. Amen. 
And if your children aren't like mine and you have perfect trips and successful days everyday, good for you. Share some tips...or knock on wood, your day is bound to come sucka...
Trouble. The two of them together.