Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Holidays from the Hot Mess Express

Looks can be deceiving.  Especially around the holidays when you are receiving endless amounts of Christmas cards that showcase a beautiful, happy family.  All smiling.  All looking like life is a breeze. I am here to clarify that my family is not as Pleasantville meets Stepford Wives as it may seem. I had two sweet family members compliment my family photo over the past month or so.  One saying that my family could be the poster family for the perfect family. Say what...!?  
My response to one of them was not to be fooled, my family is on the Hot Mess Express.  All. Of. The. Time.

   Our Holiday Card we sent out with Merry Christmas scrolled on the bottom.  Wow! What an illusion! No one is screaming, pouting, or throwing sand. :o) 

What I should have done is sent out our Christmas Card with Penelope shoving food down her throat (as she constantly is), Harper Belle wearing a costume, wig, and heels with her hair matted (as she constantly is), and Jon and I with a cocktail in our hands (as we so very often are). Side note: I would be wearing stretchy pants in our "real life" Christmas picture. This may be inspiration for next year!      

Here was my alternative choice for our Holiday Cards....HAHAHAHA!

My intention when sending out Christmas Cards is not to display a perfect family, but instead to share one brief moment, where my family got their shit together for a photo.  And take note, our photo we sent out was from June when Poppy Girl was 3 months old.  She is now almost 9 months old...we couldn't get our shit together again for another family photo in 6 months time. Way. To. Go. 

Thank you for all the kind compliments on our lovely family picture of four crazies.  They made me smile and giggle at the same time knowing what really goes down behind closed doors.  As so many of you probably can relate to.  I hope the holiday season leaves you with endless laughable moments, a limited amount of melt downs (either from your children or yourself), a healthy New Year, and a grateful heart for the Hot Mess Express you may be traveling on as well.  It's a great ride. Merry Christmas!