Monday, December 12, 2016

Dear Future Sister In Law...

There are so many things I want to say to you.  Like, thank you.  Thank you for loving my brother unconditionally and making him the man he is today.  Thank you for letting him be weird, and play video games, and annoy the shit out of you.  Thank you for giving your heart to him.  Thank you for sticking by his side as he grows and matures and learns and fails and succeeds.

But, more than that, thank you for becoming my sister.  I know I am not yet great at being a sister.  I didn't have one growing up.  My baby brother was nearly seven years younger than me and then I married a man who had a younger brother, too.  Brothers is what I knew.  Then I met you.   And you prepared me for having daughters.  And now I have two of them.  And Lord help me because I sure don't know the tricks of sisterhood.  But I am learning. From you. You are teaching me so many things, not only about being a sister, but being a better mom to raising sisters, too. Thank you.   

What you have taught me is to share.  To share attention, to share ideas, to share a womanly bond that I only knew with my best friends.  But, my best friends didn't have to share my family.  I got my family to myself.  I am learning how to share my mom with you.  How to share family gatherings and vacations and special events. I am learning how to not be jealous, to not compare, or not be unsure of myself around a sister. Asking myself, "Am I good enough?" But when I look past my insecurities, I am learning that by having you, I am getting the sister I longed for growing up. I am going to gain so many wonderful memories with you.  With you and my brother. With you and my brother and the family you create together. Thinking of the vacations and Christmases and birthdays we will do together with our families makes my heart smile. I can't wait to love on my nieces and nephews you give me in the future. 

You are quite an amazing person.  You are strong and smart and confident and beautiful. If I could pick any role model for my girls, it would be someone like you.  My girls love you so incredibly much.  You may be their favorite person in the whole world.  I can't express to you how grateful I am to you for loving them they way you do.  You may not understand it yet, but you are leaving a lasting impression in their hearts.  You are everything to them. Harper Belle idolizes you. You will forever be special to them.  Thank you for making them feel the way you do.  

So even though I may sometimes struggle in some areas during this process of gaining a sister, I am whole heartedly so grateful for you.  And will always be here for you.  For anything you may need.  Like when my brother is play fighting too hard or is pecking you like a chicken or is calling you with his foot phone.  I will be here. (And maybe silently judge you for marrying such a sweet, little idiot)     

I will make mistakes as I learn how to continue growing in this new sisterhood.  Be patient with me. But know from deep down in my heart, I love you.  I respect you.  I can't wait for our relationship to continue to grow and our bond to deepen. And I think you are a wonderful addition to our family. I couldn't have picked a better sister to have.  

My brother is the lucky one is this relationship. 
Your future together is going to be a beautiful one.
I love you, sister.