Thursday, September 4, 2014

Summer Lovin'

Summer has come and gone.  How quickly back to school came.  How quickly endless summer days ended.  How quickly Harper Belle started Pre-k 3 and Penelope entered happy days were colic almost seemed like it never existed. Almost. 

Here is little momma on her first day of Pre-k 3.  My heart melts. 

When I look back to why I didn't blog at all in July or August, nothing really comes to mind.  We were getting into a much better schedule with Poppy and were finally enjoying days were we could leave the house without her losing her shit.  We traveled down to South Florida for 10 days were P got baptized and we swam every day in the pool.  And then the crazy that is back to school hit. But otherwise, nothing too eventful.  

 The Goose rocking her Baptism Gown. 

I think my most memorable event this summer is probably learning that Harper Belle is an absolute nut case in the movie department.  We found ourselves watching movies often this summer when P was napping or sitting or laying or just because it was too dang hot to even walk to the mailbox.  Anyway, I would be scrolling through the channels and naming the shows that are on and HB will literally squeal with glee if a "scary movie" is on.  Not kidding.  We are talking some of her faves are as follows:

-War of the Worlds (her top favorite) - What the hell kind of kid likes watching a bellowing alien robot thing come up from underground and try to suck up people into their spaceships?  Not to mention, I have to watch Tom Cruise over and over and there is just something about him ever since he married Katie Holmes that just bothers me...

- Jaws - Now, this one I don't mind.  I think this movie is pretty awesome.  I am, however, utterly surprised that considering we live in Florida and love to swim, she isn't even the slightest bit concerned that a giant shark isn't going to gobble her up.  But, she is very familiar with the theme music from this movie, so it's fun to scare her in the pool or bathtub with that tune...duunnn dunnn... duuuunnnn duun... duuunnnnnnnn dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn dunnnn!!!!

- Jurassic Park - This is my all time favorite movie, so whenever it comes on, of course I stop to watch.  This one did scare her just a little, so we only watched about 5 minutes before I changed it. Pending you watch it at the right time.  It is soooo slow to start.  Let's just get right to the point where the T-Rex is all up in those two jeeps' business...the water vibrating while that dino walks up is straight awesome.  Not to mention, HB needs to buck up at this movie since my mom had me see it in the movie theater when it first came out.  Giant dinosaurs on the big screen as a kid. Bad. Ass.   

Here is the best one...wait for it....

Octoshark vs. Pterocuda - I. Am. Not. Even. Kidding. This may be the best name for a movie ever.  You can probably guess that this shit was on the Sci-Fi channel.  So we turn in on out of curiosity.  And at just the right moment apparently, because a huge "octoshark" jumps right out of the ocean and bites off Conan O'Brien's head.  Yes, Conan O'Brien. It gets better. Then blood is gushing everywhere and I am quickly calling timeout on this movie.  So I immediately change it and the kid throws a legit temper tantrum.  The basket case can't stop talking about the movie where the shark creature bites of a head.  For the record, we didn't watch more than those 10 seconds of gore so I don't even know what the Pterocuda looks like. Big Bummer. Seriously. 

And for all the judgy folks out there, I monitor MANY movie choices.  My daughters sure in hell aren't watching the ones that haunt you for the rest of your life.  There will be no Bambi in this house. Hell no.  Or Fox and the Hound.  Absolutely not.  Dumbo is questionable. I would much rather my child watch man eating beasts than watch a sweet deer momma get shot.  RUINED MY PERSPECTIVE ON LIFE. 

Hot Mess Express. 
Pedicure on my Toes, Toes. 
Poppy Girl and her Baby Blues 
When we weren't watching "scary" movies this summer, we were dressing up in fur coats and shades having dance parties.  I often wonder if Penelope sits back and wonders what the hell kind of life she got brought into.  And as I write this, I am sure my husband often wonders the same thing.  Poor guy.  A house full of ladies who like to shop, dress up, make messes, and dance everywhere.  Every man's dream, right?  Anyway, check out that diva above.  I don't know where she gets it from...(insert sarcasm) Harper Belle also got her first hair cut and manicure and pedicure before she started school.  I can't believe how quickly she grew up into a little girl.  How does it happen....?  

Sweet Poppy girl has made a 180 in her life choices.  I guess she started taking our threats of leaving her at a "safe place" seriously.  She is happy and laughs and lets me hold her (for short periods).  Better than nothing! Her baby blue eyes are beautiful. Since I have brown eyes, I just love staring into hers. Watching the two girls interact is perfection.  They couldn't adore each other any more than they do.  

I will leave you with a shout out to the FSU Seminoles!  My family will be cheering on the Noles this football season and hoping for a National Championship Title again.  Especially since my husband should have taken me to Pasadena this past January for the game, but dropped the ball on that.  Not putting the blame on anyone or anything...Ahem, Jon. 
What a Lame-o.  
This year will hopefully be his chance to redeem himself.  Or its out of the house for him.  A lot is riding on this college football season.  Pride, Determination, Money, Marriages.  No Biggie. Here is to a wonderful football and fall season. Go Noles! 

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