Saturday, June 14, 2014

Little Lady...?

Let me start by saying that I would like to call myself a lady.  I feel like I am a fairly classy gal.  I like to wear my pearls, enjoy my southern roots, have an obsession with shoes and dressing up.  Don't get me wrong, I will rock my stretchy  pants and hair in a birds nest on top of my head like no other, but overall, I feel like I am a fairly fancy broad.  

Now, with that being said, I swear like a sailor.  A damn sailor. I can ramble off some swear words like no other.  Usually in a funny, joking manner, other times during a moment I am fired up.  Either way, I curse. My husband is always telling me that I am constantly getting out of our car yelling something obscene and that the neighbors are going to think I am crazy (or highly inappropriate).   Whatever. I would like to call it; a strong personality. With a special ability for dry, sarcastic humor.   

Now, you will never hear me say that I am in any way, Mom of the Year. I remind myself daily that I am trying my best and that is all I can do.  But, if we are being totally honest, I wasn't surprised when my daughter spoke her first swear word.  No judgement. 

Harper Belle was totally heading out to the car, on our way to school, when she drops her bottle of water while trying to juggle her lunch box and book bag.  The water drops and straight out of my three year olds mouth, "Ohhhhhh shit".  

I just froze, slightly proud she used it in the right context (haters gonna hate), and slightly mortified. Mostly because I was concerned what the hell her teachers at preschool were going to think if she started dropping those words at school.

"What did you say?!" is all I could muster. And clear as day, she repeats it again.  And with a good excuse as she explains that she dropped her crap and just couldn't hold it all. (my words, not hers)

Did the "shit" phrases end there?  Of course not.  Any time the girl dropped something over the next few weeks, the same words came out of her mouth. A spilled icee at Target, "Shit".  Slamming on the brakes in the car, "Shit".  Dropping the water bottle in the Publix parking lot, "Oh Shit".   

Please just picture those ugly words coming out of this sweet girls mouth...(a request I should probably apply to myself as well...)

This is a kind reminder to myself to try to keep it classy and be well aware that three years old is apparently the age that children listen to absolutely everything you say... EVERYTHING. 
I am just grateful the F-Bomb hasn't been dropped yet. That time will come I am sure. In the meantime, I will try to watch what comes out of my mouth in front of our children. Try.   
This is also a reminder that, yes in fact, shit happens. I know it. Harper Belle knows it.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh? 

Keeping it real.  One lady...or dirty 'ole sailor to the next....

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