Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Welcome Penelope!

Lots of excitement going on here in our chaotic household...key words being excitement and chaotic. 
One...there doesn't take much to excite me these past few months, like getting to sit down and blog for once.  (which I am having to stop right now because a sweet, little human is crying my name...)

And two...chaotic, thanks to life with two beautiful bambinos to take care of.  What. An. Adjustment.

With that being said, we welcomed our second little girl, Penelope Grey on Friday, April 4th at 1:45 pm. 8 lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long. 

Below is the shot of Harper Belle meeting her sister for the first time. Melt my heart.  That may just be the sweetest memory I'll ever have...
How do you beat that genuine excitement of a 3 year old meeting her little sister? Perfection.  

Penelope looks just like her sister did when she was born. It's crazy to me how much they look similar, yet how different two babies can be.

That's Harper Belle on the left and Penelope on the right. Same stinking baby, huh?  They may look the same in the newborn days, but that's where the similarities end...Insert colic diaries. Or should I just say baby hell?  Not even being dramatic. 

I will share more about our colic days/baby hell in an upcoming post.  I feel like I should relish in the gratitude of delivering a healthy baby girl on this post before I share the absolute shit show that was to follow after the first 2 weeks of baby bliss.  

With that, I do thank God every day for my healthy family and two gorgeous little girls. With every one moment of "what did we do" there are several more of "I am so blessed".  

Welcome to life sweet Penelope.  You are bound for amazing things my sweet Poppy flower. 

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